We were delighted to host the first webinar in our three-part series in partnership with The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE). This session was part of our framework in place with IStructE and is one of a series of seminars and publications providing updates to IStructE members on developments within the PI market and underlying risk trends.

At Griffiths & Armour, we understand the need to support informed decision making. In our latest video, Professional Risks Director, Tanya Winstanley and Associate Director, Thomas Alston explain what’s happening in the PI insurance market and what firms should consider in approaching the renewal of their arrangements.

A comprehensive and complimentary new resource library covering over 50 specific areas of risk guidance has been launched and is now available for all Griffiths & Armour clients.

Universities and the wider education sector are experiencing the challenges of a hard insurance market. What does that mean for 2022? Nick Fitzgerald explains how insurance managers can mitigate the impact of a hard insurance market and the trend of increased premium rates.

The European Union have announced that it is waiving the obligation for drivers from the UK entering the EU to obtain an insurance green card. All UK drivers will no longer be required to carry insurance green cards when taking their vehicles to EU countries.

Griffiths & Armour are delighted to announce a new partnership with Merchant Taylors’ School in Crosby to help provide professional N-Pro rugby headguards to every student joining the school and playing rugby in Year 7 from September.

We were delighted to participate in the conference with Graeme Tinney, Director of Griffiths & Armour Europe DAC, addressing delegates on the implementation of Project Ireland 2040, the National Development Plan, and the risk -v- reward balance for the construction sector.

Griffiths & Armour are pleased to announce that the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) have approved the evolved 2021 Griffiths & Armour Approved Inspectors (AI) Insurance Schemes.

Following our recent 24 hour exercise-a-thon fundraiser involving clients and members of our team we are delighted to present funds totalling £2500 to boost the NSPCC Childline Services.

Cross border land transport has been the primary cause of logistics disruption in 2020. Here are a number of useful tips to help build as much resilience into your supply chain as possible.