Our clients are familiar with our Annual Information Alerts which attempt to provide insight into conditions within the PI insurance market and contain our predictions for what’s coming over the horizon. In the face of increased market volatility in recent years…

Throughout our history, we have established a reputation for delivering honest, consistent and informed advice. We are also renowned for developing exclusive and innovative PI insurance facilities – tailored solutions, with bespoke policy wordings and claims handling protocols…

Professional indemnity (PI) insurance is designed to protect solicitors, barristers, and legal executives from claims made against them arising from advice given or any actions taken in a professional capacity. The policy covers claims made against you by your client or a third party arising from your provided legal services…

Our involvement with Consulting Engineers Professional Indemnity stretches back more than 75 years and over that time we have established a reputation for delivering honest, consistent and informed advice. We are also renowned for developing exclusive and innovative PI insurance facilities…

Professional Indemnity insurance – also known as PI insurance – is intended to protect professionals and their businesses…