We were delighted to have recently held a webinar in partnership with the Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO) and provide guidance to their members of how they can ensure a safe return to the workplace.

To celebrate their 25th Anniversary of working in the IT team, we took the opportunity to catch up with Director of IT, Chris Yue and IT Development Manager, Tracey Pollard to discuss their time working at Griffiths & Armour and how they have adapted to working from home.

Furlough, lockdown and home working have all played a major part in the reduction in the number of claims. In this article we outline likely areas for Employers Liability claims, the effects on existing claims, who is targeting businesses and how COVID-19 could be used to the benefit of the claimant against your business.

The impact of COVID-19 on the data breach landscape has created additional security challenges to organisations worldwide. Managing Director, Greg Street discusses the release of IBM’s global report and how you can protect your organisation from a data breach.

If your organisation operates globally, it is essential that you have a bespoke insurance policy in place to protect your personal and business risks. Development Director, Troy Johnson offers guidance on considerations your organisation should make in regards to its global insurance coverage.

In the wake of COVID-19, with more colleagues working from home and an increase in online teaching, the University sector is exposed to a variety of risks, which without the correct insurance protection in place, can have a devastating impact. Our Client Services Executive, Nick Fitzgerald shares his insight on the insurance landscape for Universities in 2020.

Underinsurance has historically been one of the biggest problems faced by insured’s when trying to arrange settlement of a claim to replace property or interruption to their business. Our team lists five reasons to get an accurate valuation, the risk of under-insurance and which areas of your business require a valuation.

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought a great deal of pressure on the UK credit insurance market. Our strategic partners, Atlas Risk Management Limited discuss the issues surrounding the Trade Credit Insurance market and the Government’s Reinsurance scheme.

Employers are now facing an increased risk of COVID-19 related Employment Practices Liability (EPL) claims as employees return to the workplace and in some cases, resume normal operations. Our Risk Management team provide guidance on how your organisation can reduce the risk of a EPL claim.

Our Development Director, Troy Johnson, offers guidance on how your organisation can navigate the COVID-19 Claims Liability landscape and how to manage and mitigate the risks associated with your workforce continuing to operate remotely.