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Griffiths & Armour host mock trial in conjunction with Kennedys Law LLP and Ropewalk Barristers Chambers

30 November 2023

Following the success of previous events, Griffiths & Armour was delighted to host a mock trial again this year, in conjunction with Kennedys Law LLP and Ropewalk Barristers Chambers.

The event was held in Leeds on 12 October 2023 and was based on a fictional personal injury case brought by an employee against an employer following a crush injury to their fingers. It provided an accurate portrayal of a hearing following an accident occurring on an agency worker’s second day at a manufacturing company and was aimed at those involved in insurance, health and safety, claims-handling and accident investigation. Delegates were provided with a document pack and the session simulated a live trial with no pre-determined outcome.

The claim raised a number of issues including the importance of induction, risk assessments, training, supervision of staff and safe systems of work. The mock trial provided insight into how claims of this nature are dealt with by the Court including procedural matters, cross-examination, disclosure of documents and highlighted requirements concerning claims defensibility in relation to an employers’ liability claim.

Mock trial outcome

The outcome was a victory for the plaintiff, with clear lessons to be learned in areas such as supervision, collection of witness evidence and retaining both CCTV and historic risk assessment documentation following an accident.

Griffiths & Armour adopt a proactive approach to helping our clients manage their risk and improve claims defensibility and the day was an excellent opportunity for delegates to learn about the legal and procedural aspects of these types of claims, with delegates able to gain a thorough understanding of how best to prepare for and defend such claims in a court of law.

Feedback from delegates was extremely positive, with many acknowledging that there were clear lessons to be learned from the event.

The event concluded with an additional short session by one of Kennedys’ regulatory partners, addressing how to respond to a serious event in the workplace leading to a police or HSE investigation. This involved a case study, with consideration to the role of statutory authorities, formal investigations, internal investigations and the importance of legal privilege, public relations and crisis management.

If you have any questions about the content of this article, please get in touch.


Rhydian Thomas

Rhydian Thomas

Client Services Executive
